Becky Robbins introduced Jamestown 25th Mayor Eddie Sundquist, who is running for re-election in November. Election Day is November 7.
A native of Jamestown, Eddie graduated as salutatorian of his JHS class. He earned his bachelor’s in political science, Summa Cum Laude from St. John Fisher College. Eddie taught middle school in Philadelphia in a non-traditional setting. While teaching he obtained his Master of Science in Education. In 2011 he was recognized by his school as Educator of the Year, having introduced exploratory science labs in his classroom. In 2012 Eddie returned to WNY to attend the University at Buffalo School of Law. He received his J.D. in 2015 and returned to Jamestown to practice law. He was elected Jamestown City Mayor in 2019 and took office in 2020. By virtue of his position as Mayor, Eddie serves as President of the Jamestown BPU.
Welcome back to Rotary, Eddie Sunquist!
The mayor recapped the accomplishments in last 4 years. He was mayor for 2 months then Covid hit. Keeping the community healthy was a huge issue. Despite the lockdown there has been no tax increase. All union contracts have been updated. Changed how health care benefits but worked to start a new healthcare plan saving the city $2 million per year. JCC is partnered for grant writers bringing in $16 million in grants for last year. Additional staffing for police and fire departments without increase in taxes. Received $2 million from the Federal government and added 8 new firefighters and opened all fire stations. Partner with JCC and Builders Exchange for construction trades to improve infrastructure with $500,000 from the federal government. Workforce development with the Department of Labor. Improved quality of life with the coming of new splash pads (Allen and Jackson Taylor parks) next spring, Roseland Park is getting pickleball courts, volleyball courts and fruit trees in Willard Park. Trying to add more money for strategic demolition of unusable housing. Ticketing of junk and debris. Trying to expand the block club. Sidewalk repair and storm water management. Better Housing for all is focused to clear out poor housing stock. Adding to the ability for more housing and to try and minimize homelessness. Build stronger community through block clubs as opposed to just neighborhood watch.
  • Greg Jones asked about improving athletic programs working with the city to renovate Dietrick stadium. Spending a lot on upkeep now $300,000 per year. Cost to upgrade is estimated at $30 million for the stadium. JCC would end up owning the stadium. He is concerned about funding.
  • Paulette Kline asked about being able to provide bikes to those in need locally. The police department does try to refurbish stolen bikes and return
  • David Troxell asked about allocation of ARP funds and the mayor indicated that the allocation is in their website, $8 million to housing and there is still $1.2 million to be spent.