Today's Chairwoman: President Ruth Lundin welcomed all and led the Club in the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of the National Anthem.
Invocation: Was given by Mike Roberts with many thanks to our Creator God.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests: Marion Beckerink , President-elect, introduced guests: Zack Agett, (Randy Sweeney’s guest) Jen Swan-Lueze, and Galena Duba-Weaver.
RUTH LUNDIN, PRESIDENT: Venue Task Force, led by Mike Roberts, has heard your concerns and has been working diligently, interviewing 11 potential venues. They will make an announcement once the task force has vetted the venues. An announcement will come soon as our contract with The Double Tree ends December 31st. A member vote will be necessary to make this change.
Ruth reported for John Healy in his search for a new Rotary Secretary. If anyone is interested, please contact John. A job description is available. Lisa will be available for support to the new Secretary.
The Annual Meeting will be December 18th. Please try to attend as a quorum is necessary to elect our new leaders.
The Membership Committee will be considering an Engagement Pledge for the Club. Once again you are urged to email Lisa with any make-ups you have attended, including bell ringing.
The next meeting (December 4th) is the annual A’Capella at First Lutheran Church for lunch and concert. The cost to members will be held at $15 but the cost to the Club is $25. If you are able to pay the $25, please do so. The luncheon starts at 11:00-11:15 with concert to follow.
JONI BLACKMAN, FOUNDATION CHAIRPERSON: Birthday celebrations will be held on December 18th.
EMILY CAMA, SOCIAL CHAIRPERSON: The holiday party will be held on December 9th at the Northwest Ice Arena. There will be a gift exchange activity. Please bring a $10-15 wrapped gift to be exchanged. Please RSVP to Emily by Monday, Dec. 4th..
MAX EIMILLER: Fundraiser: Before the holiday party is the Mini Golf Bar Crawl, 12:30-5:00pm 4 person teams-$80 per team. Registrations is at noon at the Ice Arena on December 9th. Teams will be visiting The Pub, Shawbucks, Brazil and The Beer Snob.
50/50 Drawing $44 to Dr. Rohit Gosain, our guest speaker, who donated it back.
Sergeant At Arms: DOUG CONROE received $12 from those leaving early, Those fined were Amy Rohler for a $5,000 gift from Northwest Arena for United Way. Tory Irgang for the Giving Tuesday event; Sue and Greg Jones for their challenge matching gift to JCC; Vicky McGraw, Dan Felton for serving or being elected to the Chamber Board; John Lloyd for being a television celebrity.
Happy Bucks: Emily Cama and family have a new family member, our exchange student. Also happy bucks from Dan Heitzenrater, Kristin Melville, Dr. Gosain, Tim Edborg.