President Ruth opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, the Canadian National Anthem (we need great practice on this) followed by the Star-Spangled Banner. Ruth then raised a glass to toast the King and Canada, the office of the President of the United States and to Rotary International. Vince Horrigan gave today’s invocation.
The following guests were introduced by President-Elect Marion Beckerink: Jody Osgood, Jen Swan-Leutz, and Katlyn Bowen Burns.
Please listen to the ZOOM recording of Governor Marcin’s moving presentation.
Marcin then went on to induct Jason Sample (sponsored by Mark Olson) and Patricia Graves (sponsored by Marion Beckerink) into membership in our fine organization.

President Ruth announced that Brennen Webb, Rhonda Johnson, Wayne Rishell and Jody Osgood have applied for membership in our Rotary Club. If there are any objections, you should notify the secretary Lisa Goodell immediately.
George Harper reminded the membership that Highway Cleanup will take place at Route 60 on April 13 at 9am.
The Auction Committee will meet tomorrow at noon at Moon Brook Country Club.
The 50/50 of $36.00 was won by Michael Roberts.
Sergeant at Arms Mike Conroe fined for St. Patrick’s Day; and for those who remembered past Rotary magazine Hope and Grief articles, and for the articles regarding taking one’s own life.
He also fined people for Mental Health week and for National Agriculture Day and for teams competing in March Madness basketball competition.
Mike Roberts paid Happy Bucks for Mark Olson’s Service Above Self; for Sharon Hamilton for her service to the Salvation Army, The High Rise (after their recent fire) and the UCANN Mission and their struggles with building asbestos removal.
DG Scott paid several Happy Bucks and Sue Jones paid $20 for the Rotary Club of Jamestown and their participation in the Water Filter Mission in Jalisco, Mexico that they just participated in. The 177 filters that were distributed were very well appreciated by the beautiful people of Tomatlan, Mexico on Saturday, March 16.
The meeting was closed with the recitation of the Rotary 4 Way Test.
The Social Committee has decided not to have an event the week of April 1, and instead to have a social event – just a meet and eat – the week of April 8, probably April 10. Location TBD.
Sue and Greg Jones were PROUD to represent the Rotary Club of Jamestown Saturday, March 15 on a mission trip to Tomatlan, MX with members of several Rotary clubs in the US and Canada and members of the Puerto Vallarta Sur Rotary Club and local partners “Proyecto Agua Limpia” and Tomatlenses Unidos” as they all ventured high into the mountains to distribute the Sawyer International Bucket System.
The project is designed to support Rotary’s area of focus of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene by providing poor rural communities in Jalisco, Mexico with a long-term solution of sustainable equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water as well as improving community hygiene knowledge, behavior and practices that help prevent the spread of disease.
The system provides all the necessary components to convert a 5-gallon bucket (provided by each recipient) into a low cost and long-lasting gravity fed water filtration system that can purity up to 170 gallons of water a day for 10-plus years with only a routine filter low maintenance that recipients can support.
This project also provides the schools in the area with water filter systems, training, and an instructional poster on personal hygiene so the teachers can add it to their curriculum. This encourages the children to use the system at home which promotes positive and healthy behavior changes within the entire family.
This is the second mission trip for the Joneses, who also volunteered in January. This trip the group presented to 177 families who were so very grateful for the systems.

Thank you to the Rotary Club of Jamestown, NY!